Differences Paid VPN and Free VPN 2018

Differences Free VPN With Paid VPN in terms of free vpn display and Vpn Paid are the same, What distinguishes it is its feature feature, if Vpn Paid has fewer Features than Features of Paid VPN

Free VPN services generally do not provide you with the same security protocols with paid VPN services that are offered to you. For example, a free VPN service may only offer PPTP or worse, which is blocked in China. Even if you connect to a free VPN service, you will not be able to secure your personal information or get around the firewall used by the Chinese government. The paid VPN service will offer several different security protocols to choose from, including the types used by banks and credit card companies.

When it comes from VPN vs. paid services, free services often sell information to marketing companies. Many of these free services sell all the data they compile about which websites you visit or search for the most and that's how they make their money. The paid VPN service will not do this because you pay it to keep your anonymous usage of the Internet, and also safe from any unwanted marketing company.

One of the biggest differences between VPN vs paid services is the bandwidth provided. As you already know, bandwidth comes with a certain price. Therefore, a free VPN service gives you as little bandwidth as possible. You may not even be able to watch YouTube as the video continues to buffering or pauses to download videos when there is not enough bandwidth. The paid VPN service offers different bandwidth options.

Differences Premium Paid VPN and Free VPN

Differences Paid VPN and Free VPN 2018

Since cyber crime has grown tremendously in the last decade, it has become very important to ensure your data transmission remains safe and secure. This is why many users see VPN services. However, there is a big difference between free VPN providers and paid VPN providers.
The free version provides all the essential features of VPN.

  • Hides your IP
  • Encrypts your connection
  • Prevent online tracking by removing all spies
  • Protect you from malicious websites
  • Free the internet for you
  • This is a basic need that is fulfilled through its free service. As a free user, you have access to 240 servers in 15 countries, which is much more than you can get with a free VPN service.

Free VPN Differences With Paid VPN

  • Speed ​​Issues

Let's start with the biggest advantage of paid VPN having over free VPN, it is speed! However, if you are new to the VPN world, your light bulb should be brighter than ever to find out how it is. I'll tell you how It really is very simple. Free VPNs have limited servers with so many users that their speed is interrupted, while on the other hand, paid VPNs have an unlimited server so that the speed is good even though there are many users. As they say, work smarter than hard; we can really save a lot of stress and time just by paying a few dollars.

  • Why Free VPNs have Restricted Servers

Well, the cost of server arms and legs and they can not afford it because their free service is generous. Typically, the VPN provider rents servers in different countries and costs $ 1 / hour. Now can you imagine a free VPN provider bearing this cost? I can not!

  • DNS Leak Issue

DNS leak is usually experienced in free VPN. This happens when these service providers can not bear the cost of a physical VPN server so they choose a virtual server. Virtual servers are used to display false locations. This can be an effective but sometimes unsuccessful method of working to cause DNS leakage You can understand this with the analogy of online shopping. As we can not trust all online shopping providers, virtual servers can also betray you. At least, in the case of online shopping, you know which providers are famous and who can not be trusted. In the VPN world, naive users just go with a free VPN that is teased by the fancy virtual VPN term, getting into a DNS leakage gutter! Actually, next time you use VPN, check your IP address for DNS leak.

  •  Server availability

The VPN needs to be connected to the server and must have servers in multiple locations. The service provider is not Santa Claus spreading the gift everywhere. Some forms of payment must be made by the VPN to enjoy the services provided by the service provider. It would be funny for anyone to expect a garment to constantly drown money into a business that does not generate any profit.

For free VPNs, it is very difficult to have enough servers and this will greatly affect the level of functionality. VPN paid, on the other hand, should not find this type of problem because the resources needed to install the server in place, are obtained from the customer.

  • Data logging

It is more likely for free VPN to record your data compared to paid VPN. If your data is recorded and sold, then what you're looking for is initially lost.

It would be even better if a hacker gained access to your data. However, the hacker will try hard, but here's what you give to your information and the possibility of your intellectual material to people on a gold plate.

  • Service is limited

With free VPN, you may need to have limited services. Your download speed can be strangled 98 percent. In a recent review conducted, the average free VPN download speed for some free VPN turned out to be 15Mbps.

  • Encryption protocol

A paid VPN will definitely have an encryption protocol because it has the resources needed to buy it from its customers. This may not happen on a free VPN.

The encryption protocol is the main VPN security corner. This is what makes it almost impossible for hackers to crack code messages.

  • Speed ​​of VPN connection

Using a free service usually means that it has been overused by others. Adding a shortage of service providers (as it provides free services) will result in a lack of bandwidth, as bandwidth is affordable and not cheap to provide a VPN server capable of supporting hundreds if not thousands of connections at the same time. . Paying VPN providers typically invest a decent percentage of profits for bandwidth and servers, so the winner is, once again, Paid VPN

There are similarities between free VPN Providers and TOR, and low bandwidth is one of the main things they have together

  • Support

Same as bandwidth: support comes with a certain fee. If you really expect someone to take the time to solve your connection problems for free, then you will have a bad time. Like Free vs. software model. Paid, support is one of the things you pay. When you choose a paid VPN service, you should expect someone to answer your ticket and do its work, while the free service is usually provided "as is". Again, the winner is Paid VPN

  • Anonymity

Like TOR, a free VPN provider will not usually ask you to sign up to use its VPN service. And even if it does, you can easily use fake user details, while a paid VPN service will ask for the correct details that are also used during the payment process (i.e., paypal, credit card, etc.)
Also read: The Most Nagdy VPN Service According to Reddit
So the winner in the anonymity of the contest is Free VPN, because you do not have to give full details / real. But keep in mind that your IP address can still be logged by the VPN provider, or your traffic is monitored. So you're a bit "anonymous" for not providing your contact details, but your IP address remains the same - whether you're using a paid VPN provider or not, and your service provider can easily record your activity.

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